Room, secret, Apparition, mystery, and paradox is keyword of my work. My work doesn't have great meanings, but those words have significant influence in theme and motif.
What is expressed?
Room- Space perception
Space has compressed image as time, which is historical formless space and materialistic space form. We always stay in some place. Either own will or others will we eat, sleep, feel and memorize in space.
One's space's time hinders, and bears individual's historical particle. Aren't we making "imagine" and "fantasy" for only exit of helpless, isolation, and restraint in puzzled space? My work makes internal space (visional space) and returns to external, and re recognizes space in poetic progress.
Secret- Metaphorical symbol
Individual’s historical life has secret, even though it does not show up, secret metaphorically remains in space. This keyword appears most often or most boldly in my work. My work tensely has own space and history. These hinder most surreptitious secret and spread away meaningfully. Representing those individual objects are edition of untidy author's life and progress of objectification.
Apparition- Illusion
Presenting transitory of existence is paradox of material space. My work has space, and there is door which has very concrete meaning and realistic meaning. This realistic door symbolizes and questions daily life's internal explosion or entry for real life before disappearing to apparition. Door crosses over real and unreal world, again it maximizes two world's opposite image and buffs real and unreal world to one.
Mystery- fairy-tale imagination
Mystery starts from assumption that it can’t be solved. Mystery hinders meaning and indicates secret in metaphorical story by fairy tale imagination and wipes original meanings.
'Chasing a Rabbit (Dreamer)'
I have read Louis Carol’s "Wonderland of Alice". Alice follows rabbit and eventually travels wonderland. By continuously solving mystery, Alice goes through imaginary world- which is impossible in real.
In author's imaginary space, unrealistic and realistic objects blend and form a visionary space.
Readers become an Alice, and understands author (rabbit)'s visionary space.
I am a dreamer
We always dream. Whether it remains or disappears, Human always dreams. Whether he or she is creator or great philosopher or common person, they exist because they dream. Sometime that makes different dimensional place and makes people to desire for better life. From here, vision is combination of dream and hope.
Starting from divided conviction, Space and time's two merged conviction is reflected in "Odor of time" among Macluhan's " Understanding Media ". It shows escaping from mechanical time and feeling atmosphere and scent of space will find existence of characteristic and time. Butterfly in my work implies time, think, object's daily particle, and dreamer. Metaphorically, butterfly merges unfamiliar time and space.
All these elements have paradoxical relationship. They refuse to understand and to be related. But they also understand and related, subsist but disappear, like seeking an eternal play.